Joined: 2023-11-08
judy pretty private escort in Mitchell Park






Mitchell Park

Time Incall Outcall
15 min - -
30 min $200 $250
1 hour $400 $450
2 hour $600 $650
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indenpendent private escort in SA-2das



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Cup size

D cup

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Meeting with

Escorts for Men

About Me

asian escorts Mitchell Park

As an independent escort, my ultimate goal is to embody the essence of your perfect female companion. Standing at a height of 167 cm, I am currently seeking the company of discerning gentlemen. With my slim and chic appearance, I strive to cater to the unique needs and desires of my esteemed clients as a young private escort.

Originating from China, I possess an irresistible allure that captivates those in my presence. My curvaceous figure, highlighted by alluring D-cup breasts, adds to my charm and elegance. Complemented by my captivating sable eyes, I have an undeniable magnetic appeal.

Maintaining a weight range between 56kg and 60kg, I ensure that I am always in optimal physical condition to provide the utmost satisfaction to my clients. As a Chinese escort, I offer a unique and unforgettable experience, tailored to each individual's desires.

My ambition as an escort is to create a genuine connection with my clients, providing them with an unforgettable experience filled with passion and companionship. With me by your side, you can expect nothing less than the personification of your ideal female companion.
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judy pretty private escort in Mitchell Park